LifeLines Prevention: Building Knowledge and Skills to Prevent Suicide 2nd edition

Curriculum, Hazelden Lifelines, Grades 5-12

This curriculum is part of a comprehensive suicide awareness and responsiveness program that covers prevention, intervention, and postvention for schools that serve students grades 5-12. This edition supports positive school climate by providing suicide awareness resources for school administrators, faculty and staff members, parents and guardians, and students. Information about suicide and the role of students in suicide in prevention is presented in easy-to-follow lessons. Students participate in a wide variety of social and emotional learning activities, including role playing exercises that teach them what to do when faced with a suicidal peer. The lessons feature frank discussions on the warning signs of suicide and an emphasis on seeking adult help. This program is for school settings but can easily be adapted for any community organization that serves youth. The curriculum is accompanied by a DVD.

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