No Name-Calling Week Kit

DVD and Resource Guide, 2004, 27 minutes, CC, Grades 4-9

Included in the kit is the DVD No Name-Calling: Creating Safe Environments. Experts agree that bullying and harassment in school usually starts with name-calling. Name-calling can be especially tough on younger students whose self-esteem development is at a critical phase. No Name-Calling demonstrates the damage that can be done when kids are targeted by hurtful words and offers constructive ways for creating a positive school environment where everyone will feel safe and free to learn. Also part of the kit is a Comprehensive Resource Guide containing 11 lesson plans, tips for organizing a No Name-Calling Week in school, a Bullying Survey, classroom exercise materials, and additional resources. Other materials in the kit are James Howe’s book “The Misfits” and poster.

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